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News & Events

AOPA’s Tom Haines saves fuel using his JPI

July 25, 2012 by Craig Peyton

 AOPA Editor Tom Haines writes about saving big bucks in fuel using his JPI EDM 800 “I will save over $4,000. per year. Almost enough to pay my hangar rent.”                                        …

View JPI’s “Save Money Flying LOP” video

July 12, 2012 by Craig Peyton

Learn how flying lean of peak can lower fuel costs.  Your JPI EDM will help lower your fuel costs useing the Lean of Peak display. See how easy it is to use Leanfind Mode. This video is advisory only, showing how a properly installed JPI EDM830 can be used  on a…

Flying in Africa using a JPI 830

July 12, 2012 by Craig Peyton

Pilot Dietrich Ian Lafferty is pictured here, flying a C-182 over the costal areas of Central Africa using his trusty JPI 830. The mission is for the Wilderness Conservation Society of New York (WCS),  one of the worlds oldest organizations globally protecting the environment.  On a typical day he will photograph elephant poachers, illegal fishing…

AVweb article “FuelScan450” by Dave Higdon

July 09, 2012 by Craig Peyton

AVweb Special Projects Editor Dave Higdon recently installed a J.P. Instruments FS-450 fuel totalizer in his Comanche. Was it worth it? Confidence At A Glance Some Of The Basics… At its basic level, the FS-450 delivers plenty of utility even without the groundspeed and distance data from a GPS. For…

Light Plane Maintenance 930 article

July 08, 2012 by Craig Peyton

Learn about an owner installing an EDM930 into his 1963 Mooney. “A terrific panel upgrade.” Read the article here: 930 Install LPM