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‘Hyper Terminal’ in Windows XP to troubleshoot a possible cable/port problem.

September 06, 2012 by Craig Peyton

How to use Hyper Terminal to capture data off the EDM and/or troubleshoot possible cable problems.

To do this:

  1. While the EDM-700/800/760 is off and the PC cable is plugged into you panel and laptop, click Start and then go to All Programs on your laptop.
  2. Now look for Accessories and then Communications. There you will find Hyper Terminal.
  3. Now click Hyper Terminal and you will see the smaller window: Connection Description. Type in some name and click OK.
  4. Now you will see the window: Connect To – and just choose the correct com your cable is hooked to under: Connect using:    and then click OK.
  5. Now you will see COM Properties – change the Bits per second: to 19,200. Leave all the rest alone on that page. Now click Apply and then OK.
  6. Now you will see the white Hyper Terminal screen. Up on the Tool bar you will see the option Transfer – click this and choose Capture Text. The Capture Text window will appear – click Browse and the Select Capture File window will appear – choose Desktop for Save in: up on top of that window and for File name: on the bottom, type in TEST and then click Save and then click the START button in the Capture Textwindow.
  7. You will now see the white Hyper Terminal screen with the cursor blinking. Hyper Terminal is now ready to receive data from the EDM
  8. NOW turn on your EDM and get to:  DUMP ALL and then reach over and tap the Stepbutton. You will now see the EDM count down and on the Hyper Terminal screen you should see  a lot of characters stream across. (If you do not, you have a cable problem-check cable for continuity)  When it is done you will see the cursor on the Hyper Terminal screen and then look on you desktop, you should see the file named Test.TXT on it.
  9. Now Exit Hyper Terminal and choose No for saving the connection.
  10. NOW focus in on that Test.TXT on you desktop. RIGHT click it and choose Renameand rename it Test.jpi. That .jpi extension is important for your EzTrends to read the data you have just collected. So after renaming it Test.jpi start up your EzTrends and choose the Plot a .JPI File button.
  11. Look for your file on the Desktop, and double click it. You should now see all the individual FLT#s. Now just double click on one of them and it should load and plot in Eztrends.