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J.P. Instruments » EDM 700 800 Error Messages

EDM 700 800 Error Messages

Means the customer took a one long fight that filled his memory. Did he want to download or errase? If not he should download before next flight.

On the EDM-700/800/760 giving message ‘REF’ and a set of numbers after this. Will need to come in for repair.

  • Perform factory limit reset (FAC LIM; FAC? Y).
  • Check that P2 connector is installed on the instrument.
  • EPROM may have failed. Return for repair.

Faulty memory board in EDM.  Call JPI Tech Support for an RMA # for repair.

Faulty memory board. Call JPI Tech Support for an RMA # for repair

Return for repair.   ** ATTN: If the EDM has FF, and while it is in for repair, check the FF toggle switch. This must not be faulty or grounding out somewhere. If it is, this could drive the EDM into CAL ERR mode. Also make sure the P2 EGT/CHT harness connector does not have anything plugged into pin# 13.  If these two areas are not checked and are the issue, this could drive the repaired EDM back into CAL ERR mode.

 ** If the EDM has the software ‘rev 3.06’ – just released in Feb/March of 2008 – check  and ‘repair’ three(3) areas, then retry before sending in for repair:

#1) Make sure the EDM is grounded to the engine case – no where else.  And make sure the ‘ground’ wire, crimps, and connections are in good shape and clean – no corrosion.

#2) If the EDM has FF, check the FF toggle switch. Must not be faulty or grounding out somewhere. If it is, this could drive the EDM into CAL ERR mode.

#3) Also make sure the P2 EGT/CHT harness connector does not have anything plugged into pin# 13

Ignore messages when in LeanFind with the engine off or at idle

  • Press each button. Does each button depress with a definite click feel?
  • If both buttons have click feel, then return for repair.
  • If one or both buttons do not have a click feel, then a button may be binding on the instrument panel. Loosen the four mounting screws and reposition the instrument slightly.

  • Press each button. Does each button depress with a definite click feel?
  • If both buttons have click feel, then return for repair.
  • If one or both buttons do not have a click feel, then a button may be binding on the instrument panel. Loosen the four mounting screws and reposition the instrument slightly.

This can happen when there is no ground speed being output from the GPS

Check steps below:

#1) Check when the engine is cold, all temperatures. These should read close to ambient.

#2) Check crimps/connections between probe and harness. (see line item #5 below.)

#3) Check the Ohm value on the probe. At ambient with both the red and yellow wire off the probe, it should read around 1 to 2 ohms.

#4) Swap the ‘faulty’ probes wire to the next cylinders ‘good’ probe.  Now since that ‘good’ probes wire is now off, fasten it to the ‘faulty’ probe. You just swap the wire, not the probes. Now turn on the EDM. Does the other EDM cylinder channel now get the ‘Open Probe’ message?  Then it’s the probe. If not and the original ‘faulty’ cylinder is still getting the ‘Open Probe’ message, (no change) – then it could be a bad crimp or connection (see #2 above.) Proceed to numbers 5 and 6 below.

#5) To check your crimps and wire further, take the red and yellow wire off the probe and screw the two eye terminals (harness wire) together. Now that nut ‘junction’ is the probe. The original probe in question is out of the system. Turn on the EDM’s power. If you see ambient temp, the issue is the probe. If you still see OPEN PRB, then there is a crimp/wire issue – or the EDM. Proceed to step #6.

#6) Check for a bent or recessed pin on the rear P1 or P2 connector.

#7) Perform factory limit reset (FAC LIM; FAC? Y).

** If after doing all the above they are still getting an ‘OPEN PRB’ message, then send in the EDM for repair.

Faulty memory board. The EDM will need to be sent in for repair. Please call Technical Support at:  800-345-4574 for a RMA number.

Mux board issue. Will need to come in for repair.

Mux board issue. Will need to come in for repair

#1) If the EDM is a FF model, check the 3-way FF toggle switch. Does the EDM come up OK when the switch is flicked to ‘EGT’ or ‘ALL’ before turning on power, and only comes up “AUTO CAL” when the switch is set to ‘FF’ and power is turned on? Then take switch out of the panel – still wired – do not let it touch panel. Now switch to ‘FF’ and then turn on power. If the EDM comes up OK – the switch is shorting out or defective. Call JPI Sales Department for a new FF toggle switch. The EDM will need to come into JPI for recalibrating. CallTechnical Support for a RMA number before sending in.

#2)  Check to see that the P2 EGT/CHT harness connector does NOT have anything plugged into pin# 13. This should be empty.  The EDM will need to come into JPI for recalibrating. Call Technical Support for a RMA number before sending in.


–  Make sure the EDM is grounded to the engine case – no where else.  And make sure the ‘ground’ wire, crimps, and connections are in good shape and clean – no corrosion.

– If the EDM has FF, check the FF toggle switch. Must not be faulty or grounding out somewhere. If it is, this could drive the EDM into AUTO CAL mode. ** [ See #1 above. ]

– Also make sure the P2 EGT/CHT harness connector does not have anything plugged into pin# 13.  

 ** If the EDM has the software ‘rev 3.06’ – just released in Feb/March of 2008 – check  and ‘repair’ the three(3) areas below – then retry before sending in:

TO TEST if it is the probe, connection, wire, or the EDM just swap the ‘faulty’ probes wire to the next cylinders ‘good’ probe.  As an example: #1 CHT is giving a ‘BAD PRB’ message. Take the wire off #1 CHT probe and attach it to #3’s CHT probe. Now since #3’s wire is now off, attach #3 wire to the #1 CHT probe. You just swap the wire, not the probes. Now turn on the EDM and see what it displays. Does #1 CHT now seem fine, but now #3 CHT is giving you that ‘BAD PRB’ messag? Then it is a faulty #1 CHT probe, since #3 wire is now attached to that probe. But if after turning on the EDM it still displays the ‘BAD PRB’ message on #1 CHT and #3 CHT is still reading OK, then the issue could be a bad connection, or crimp. Check these out thoroughly. After doing this and it still is giving you this error message on #1 CHT, then it could be a broken pin in the EDM itself. It will then need to come in for a check. Please call Technical Support at 800-345-4574 for a RMA number before sending in.

No data in memory.  (For the EDM-700/800/760)

If you see: 1) The word ‘DUMP‘ in PROGRAM mode, 2) Have flown the plane, and 3) No one has recently done a ‘factory reset’ on the EDM,  then you should have downloadable flight data in the EDM’s memory. But if you see “NO DATA” being displayed on the EDM when trying to download – after meeting all the above three points – then the EDM has a faulty memory board and will need to be sent in for repair. Please call Technical Support at 800-345-4574 OR send an e-mail to:  for a RMA number before sending in.

** Note: The EDM-760 does not have RECRD in FAC LIM mode. Data logging is automatically set to the ‘ON’ position at the factory. You will see DUMP in the PROGRAMmode.

This is not an error message.

This represents the percentage of ‘flight’ data in memory. As an example: ‘FULL 92’ or some other number. After downloading the EDM by doing a DUMP NEW or ALL, you will see at the next startup the number value to the left of ‘FULL’ will have changed to a lower value. This is the percentage of memory filled since the last download.

On older EDM software, after downloading you will see: SAVE? N. By tapping the LF button to change the ‘N’ to ‘Y’,  and then tapping ‘Step’, you will reset to zero the percentage of memory filled since the last save. No data will be erased.

EDM displays “-569-09” on digital part of display. There may or may not be an analog graph above, but when the ‘Step’ button is tapped through all parameters, it just displays the above number message.

EDM will need to come in for repair. Please call Technical Support at 800-345-4574 for a RMA number before sending in.