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* Airframe-STC and or engine manufacturer leaning recommendations for your aircraft must be followed. It is your responsibility to use the airframe and engine manufacturer’s recommendations.
LF button is actuating again after entering LF mode. Twist button and be sure there is clearance from the instrument panel.
Pre-lean to a point where you are well beyond the peak EGT on the lean side by using fuel flow as a reference (THE BIG PULL). Next go into lean-find mode and enrich the mixture until the first cylinder peaks while also making sure that the temperatures of the other cylinders are also climbing. At this point you will know that each cylinder is on the lean side with the richest cylinder being at the peak EGT and can lean out the mixture further if appropriate.
* Airframe-STC and or engine manufacturer leaning recommendations for your aircraft must be followed. It is your responsibility to use the airframe and engine manufacturer’s recommendations.
This is normal. The hottest cylinder is not usually the first one to peak (although it might be).
LeanFind Mode (730/830 used as example below – EDM-700/800 similar.)
Scanner Example
Establish cruise at 65 to 75% power.
Pre-lean the mixture to 50°F estimated rich of peak on any EGT: _________°F.
EGT 1490 CHT 370
*See ‘Pre-leaning’
Wait one minute
Let engine stabilize.
Tap the LF button
Start LeanFind (if LOP appears hold STEP & LF until ROP appears)
Lean the mixture at approx. 10°/secondwithout pausing. (cylinder I.D. box flashes when a EGT rises 15°F)
EGT 1520 LF
(Without FF)
– or –
EGT 1520 FF 13.8
(With FF)
Flashing cylinder I.D. box identifies the hottest EGT and that an EGT has increased at least 15°F which arms the EDM to now look for first EGT to peak.
Stop leaning when
a column begins flashing. You will seeLEANESTfor one second, followed by: |
EGT 1545 SET
(Without FF)
– or –
EGT 1545 FF 12.4 (With FF)
Flashing cylinder I.D. box ANDits column indicates leanest cylinder. (SET means Set the mixture.) Due to thermal inertia this will usually be about -15°F down the lean side of peak.
If you hold LF, peak EGT will be displayed while the LF button is held down.
EGT 1560 PK
(Without FF)
– or –
EGT 1560 FF 12.9 (With FF)
Captured peak EGT value (plus peak FF, if FF equipped) is displayed.
If you tap LF, the difference from peak EGT is shown. Tap again to return to the peaked EGT value.
(Without FF)
– or –
EGT -90 FF 13.4 (With FF)
A useful mode for enrichening the mixture to desired degrees below peak. Just set to desired value – no math required! NOTE: Unit remembers view last used.
Slowly enrich mixture noting that EGT is returns to peak then drops. Stop enriching at the desired EGT. ‘Peak’: best Econ. ‘ROP’ target: best power.
EGT 1560 SET
EGT 1460 SET
Failure to pre-lean. [ See “LeanFind Procedure – Step-by-Step” in your Pilot’s Guide. ]
• Try leaning more slowly or more quickly. Do not pause during mixture adjustment. [ See “LeanFind Procedure – General Explanation” in your Pilot’s Guide. ]
• Check that if a bayonet or threaded adapter probe is installed, that it is screwed in tightly and the threads are clean in order to ground the factory probe. If adapter is not grounded well to engine, voltage will be applied to the adapter thermocouple junction and disrupt the EDM instrument.
• Check that the EDM is grounded at the engine case(not in the instrument panel). Do not use panel ground, battery ground, or airframe ground. Airframe ground can vary from engine ground by 1/4v. This could cause the EDM to show too ‘High’ or ‘Low’, EGT, CHT temps. Or show ‘Unsteady’ readings. If grounded to the panel, to check if this ground is OK, use a digital voltmeter to measure the difference between the EDM ground and the engine block ground. If the difference is greater than 0.5 volts with the alternator charging, then remove the EDM ground (black wire) from instrument panel and connect it directly to the engine block ground.
• Check for a bent or recessed pin on the rear P2 connector.
• Check crimps between probe and harness.
LeanFind Mode (730/830 used as example below – EDM-700/800 similar.)
Scanner Example
Establish cruise between 65 to 75% power.
Pre-lean the mixture to 50°F estimated rich of peak on any EGT: _________°F.
EGT 1491 CHT 391
*See ‘Pre-leaning’
Wait one minute
Let engine stabilize.
Tap the LF button
Start LeanFind (if ROP appears, hold STEP & LF until LOP appears)
Lean the mixture at approx. 10°/secondwithout pausing. (cylinder I.D. box flashes when a EGT rises 15°F)
EGT 1520 LF
(Without FF)
– or –
EGT 1520 FF 13.8
(With FF)
Flashing cylinder I.D. box identifies the hottest EGT and that an EGT has increased at least 15°F which arms the EDM to now look for first EGT to peak.
After the first EGT peaks, you will see LEANESTfor one second and bars coming from the top down. Continue leaning.
EGT -17 LF
(Without FF)
– or –
EGT -17 FF 12.4 (With FF)
When bars come from the top down, the steady cylinder I.D. box identifies the first EGT that peaked (leanest). Continue leaning.
When RICHEST appears, fine tune the delta EGT to the desired degrees below ‘Peak’ (Lean of peak).
(Without FF)
– or –
EGT -45 FF 11.6
(With FF)
If you hold LF, the peak EGT recorded will be displayed along with FF spread.
EGT 1560 PK (Without FF)
– or –
EGT 1560 FF 0.6 (With FF)
Captured peak EGT value and if FF equipped, the FF spread between richest and leanest cylinders.