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Positive Feedback from the UK

Posted: June 21, 2013 by Craig Peyton
Filed in: News & Events

Dear Joe,

I currently own a Christen Eagle which I have been displaying and competing with over the last few years.

The modified Biplane performs incredibly well, but it has been a rollercoaster ride with the authorities here in UK. There is still more to do (New wing and colours for 2014) I will keep this fairly brief and to the point as I will send a general update to all my supporters when things calm down a bit. It’s been very hectic getting it flying.

Your EDM Instruments are incredible. So simple to install and straight forward to setup. The DATA logging facility is invaluable to keeping track of engine health and has been invaluable in tracking down some initial ignition problems we had.

Many thanks

Richard (flightcrew)


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