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J.P. Instruments » Oil Temp Probe

Oil Temp Probe


  • $0.00
  • If you are an FBO please call 800-345-4574 for discount code before ordering online.

SKU: 400505 Category:

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Weight .50 lbs


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The OIL Temperature (OIL) probe is for all Lycoming and Continental direct drive engines and is installed in the right (passenger) side front OIL galley by removing the existing 1/8 NPT plug. The probe has a 3/8-24 boss which will fit the factory pre-drilled hole for this probe.

  • 1 Thermocouple Type K OIL Temperature Probe
  • 1-10 Ft. Option Wire

EDM-700/800 Pin assignments( 4 or 6 cylinder ):
yel 1, red 2, OIL
yel 3, red 4, IAT (or ‘CARB’ if EDM is for a 7/8/9 cylinder engine.)
yel 5, red 6, CARB (or ‘CDT’ if ‘IAT’ installed)
yel 14, red 15, OAT
yel 16, red 17, TIT
yel 18, red 19, TIT-2 (2nd TIT)
gry 12, Remote alarm (Sinks to ground)
red 13, + Power(Red)
wht 24 , RS-232 data port
blk 25, Engine ground.(Black) ** ( Pin # 11 not used -not used.)


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